NOW AVAILABLE: Ashrae Fax’s Never Really Been Into It


The legacy of North Carolina’s Ashrae Fax seems destined to be appreciated in retrospect, in no small part given to the tremendous power of the group’s 2003 release Static Crash!, reissued twice from its intial CD-R run before appearing on Mexican Summer last year. The Goth/ethereal duo of vocalist Renée Mendoza Haran and producer/guitarist Alex Chesney had built a long, strange and mostly undocumented legacy prior to that release, and Never Really Been Into It extends the tale back even further: ten songs, sketched out in the late ’90s, most of which were never completed and remained unheard until now. “This would’ve been our first full-length,” reflects Mendoza, “if we had any idea what we were doing [back then].  Check out the video for “Dreamers Tied to Chairs” below and get your copy of the record HERE.